100th Post!
Wow, this is my 100th post. I hardly even know what to say. This week is VBS and I am exhausted! I am responsible for the opening and closing which includes teaching songs with motions. It is wearing me out!
Of course it's all worth it because the kids are having a blast and learning stories in the book of Joshua like Rahab and the Israelites crossing the Jordan river. The story tellers have done a wonderful job of making everything come to life. My daughter said on Monday that she was really afraid and then she realized it was just a story. :-)
Like Paul, I am learning to be content in every phase of my life whether good or bad. When you concentrate on the good you can be thankful for the bad and how it strengthens your character. We are most thankful for the light when it shines after darkness.
If you are in a tough spot in life, hold your head up because a better day is coming soon.
It's VBS week for us too, I'm so pooped! The children are really enjoying themselves, so it's all worth the effort.