Friday, August 1, 2008

Kickin It Up A Notch-Scheduling

In keeping with my Kickin' It Up A Notch Theme, I have been working on my schedule. I created "pivot points" in my schedule and then worked in everything else. One thing that I have found is that I ABSOLUTELY love having dinner early. We have dinner at 1:00 and that works well for me because dinner is out of the way and I can have my kitchen clean before the afternoon is out. Plus in the fall when I begin my workday at 3, this gives me plenty of time to finish school, have the kids fed, and then send them off to do their personalized assignments (crafting, playing, etc.)

So our pivot points look at little like this: We have breakfast at 8 am. The children rise at 7 and have personal devotion and do all of their chores (wash face, brush teeth, make bed, put away pajamas, etc). Right now we are in a test run and once we get it down then there will be penalties (having to rise 10 minutes earlier for each chore not completed) for not being done with chores by breakfast and incentives (not sure what these will be yet) for completing them all.

After breakfast we have family worship (at the breakfast table). Then we go outside to water the garden, get some exercise, explore, etc. and then come back inside to start school. After school we take another break and go outside.

Our next pivot point is Dinner at 1pm. After dinner is cleanup time and quiet time. Then crafts (this is the time that we will work on sewing and other things). 6pm is Supper or late snack (fruit, bread, popcorn, soup in the winter time, sometimes leftovers from dinner if we are really hungry) :-)

7pm is bath time, and then 8pm is Evening Family Worship and bedtime immediately after.

What does your schedule look like? Is it time for you to Kick It Up a Notch?? :-)


  1. Your schedule is a little similar to ours in the morning. Looks like a great plan! :)

  2. Yolanda,
    We have daily routines to keep thing in order. Morning routine before food - beds made, clothes on, teeth brushed, bathrooms tidy we also have an after lunch routine, after school routine, after dinner routine. Every one cleans the bathrooms and helps with the kitchen every day.

    My weekly schedule is Monday- whole house clean up, Tuesday - my laundry (everyone has their own laundry day m-f)Wednesday - desk day, Thursday - menu planning/shopping, Friday- "Friday Tidy" before Friday Free time!

  3. Your schedule is similar to the one I'm trying to work out our household. We've been to slack with our time lately.


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