Monday, February 27, 2012

Psalm 119 Memorization Update

A while back, I set out to memorize Psalm 119. I started out excited and yet a little intimidated. I got cards made and had every intention of putting holes in them to keep them together. I didn't do that because I didn't have the binder rings that I needed. That was a big mistake. By the time I got the binder rings, I had misplaced half of my cards! I should have just use yarn or something in the meantime.

At any rate, I am back to it with a new determination. So far I can say the first 20 verses from memory. I can recite 21-23 with prompts. I love using the prompt system. It really does work for me.

Here is an example of the prompting system I use. I fold the paper over so I can only see the first letter of each word.

Psa 119:1


Psalm 119:1 ALEPH. Blessed are the undefiled in the way, who walk in the law of the LORD.

I made a commitment last night to memorize 4 verses a week. I woke up this morning with severe stomach cramps. Coincidence? Of course not, but that's ok because I'm not letting go of God until He blesses me!

I'm looking forward to being changed through the memorization of God's word. I don't know about you, but I could use a good changing!


  1. I could use a good changing too! I really like your idea of the prompts. I haven't seen that method before.

    I hope you feel better soon!

  2. Yes, I love this method. I'm not sure why the table cut off, I will see if I can fix that.

    Thanks so much. I'm feeling a bit better already.

  3. Slow and steady wins the race! I've always thought I'd like to memorize that chapter, but have never set out to do it. It is one of my favorites, even though it is so long.

  4. Indeed it does! My daughter is joining me in memorizing so I am all the more excited!

  5. What a great idea. I set out to memorize more verses and had a similar experience with losing the cards, not getting the ring...I didn't think of the yarn. I even copied several pages on how to memorize scripture.

    Like Rhonda says...slow and steady wins the race! So, keep at it.

    I am glad to know you are back at it with more determination...encourages me to press on as well.

  6. Just found your blog after putting in a search for memorizing Psalm 119! I'm just another sister in Christ who has completed Psalm 119 and am here to say don't give up! It has been a huge blessing to me and drawn me closer to Him! This is my second time. The first time, I did not review and lost it completely. This second time I decided to start at the end and learn the last section and work backward so that I would not forget it and could review it along with the new verses. I also tried to fit the verses to hymn tunes so that it would stick better and I could sing it throughout the day! Now God has given me a good song to sing focusing on Him. Just wanted to encourage you all to keep going--it is really worth it!

  7. Cheryl thanks so much for stopping by! I am loving it so far and believe that my life will be changed by it. I will be praying for you as you go through the second time!


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