Tuesday, July 3, 2007

For Better or for Worse

This quarter's Sabbath School Lesson is entitled For Better or for Worse: Lessons from Old Testament Couples. The first week's study is about Adam and Eve. It's amazing how even in Adam's perfection, he longed for a companion. I think what I have found most interesting is that it is only through God that we are able to completely enjoy this companionship He so masterfully designed.

To be known intimately and still be loved, is a Divine task indeed. If you are having struggles in an intimate relationship, any relationship for that matter, I challenge you to strengthen your relationship with the Master of all relationships and watch Him make miraculous changes in you. Change begins with each individual. When you change, so will those around you.


  1. This quarterly looks very interesting. I'm enjoying this week's lesson too.

  2. I've been looking forward to this quarterly.


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