Thursday, April 24, 2008

Modest Dress

A while ago God laid the subject of modest dress on my heart. When I attended elementary school at Pensacola Christian Academy (Home of A Beka Books) the dress code was that all young ladies wore dresses or skirts, no pants. We were allowed to wear cullotes for PE but that was as close as it got. So when God laid this idea of wearing mostly skirts and dresses, it did not seem too far fetched. I must say that I was a bit disappointed since I had just gone out and bought several pairs of new jeans, but I received it well. And I still intend to wear jeans for camping, some outdoor activities or when it's really cold. I certainly believe that they have their place.

So now my dilemma is being modest but looking nice. :-) I am convinced that I can do both. With the clothes they are making these days, I may very well have to make my own, but I think it would be worth it. It seems that most tops are cut low to reveal cleavage, jeans and even skirts are made low to accentuate the hips. And it's mostly in the teenage section! Poor little teenage boys. Do they even stand a chance?

At any rate, please tell me where you shop for modest clothes. What is your idea of modesty? Better yet, what is God's idea of modesty or does He even care. I would love to hear your thoughts. :-)


  1. I shop at second hand stores and consignment stores, and make some things myself. I'm really enjoying this journey. I'm amazed to find out that jeans are not as comfortable as I used to think. I still wear them some, but surprised myself at being more comfortable in a jean skirt then pants for most of a camping trip. One thing I've learned recently though is that I have a tendency to spend way to much time thinking about what I'm going to wear. I need to return to praying more about these things, and seeking God's guidance for clothing. It was doing this that got me headed down this path in the first place. I'm glad I allowed God to lead me. He will surely help you too.

  2. I believe in modest dress also but I wear pants. I believe modest dress is basically casual. Dressing like a lady yet with strict purpose of enticing men to lust. I allow the Holy Spirit to be my guide. When I put something on that is wrong, He definitely lets me know.

  3. For me, modesty means several things, including being neat, clean and decently covered (long slits in skirts,too tight, cleaveage, etc.) which shows respect for myself and my husband. I do wear pants, but I don't go shorter than capris. I rarely wear clothing with writing on it, I don't want to promote anything ungodly.

    My trouble has been finding clothing for my daughter. Just finding church dresses and skirts has become a major challenge. What is considered a nice dress these days makes a 9 year old look like she's going to a club! My sister has taken up sewing and helps me with skirts for her. I like the styles that sells for both women and girls, but they are a bit expensive. I guess I need to improve my sewing skills!

  4. As a Muslim woman, I face this problem everyday! I do wear pants, but no jeans. As my daughter gets older, it's getting really scary. I just decided I must learn to sew!


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